besmart REST API v0.36.5.1

Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.


  • HTTP Authentication, scheme: bearer
  • API Key (APIKeyHeader)
    • Parameter Name: X-Auth, in: header.


Get list of sensor types

Code samples

GET /api/sensors/types HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('/api/sensors/types', headers = headers)


GET /api/sensors/types

Using this endpoint client gets the list of all sensor types

Example responses

200 Response

    "description": "string",
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "sensor_custom_fields": "string",
    "sensor_state_custom_fields": "string"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully read sensor types
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Response 200 Api Endpoints Sensors Get Types Api Sensors Types Get

Name Type Description
Response 200 Api Endpoints Sensors Get Types Api Sensors Types Get [SensorTypeResponse] [NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (

TODO: Update the class' descriptions

SensorTypeResponse - a model defined in OpenAPI

description: The description of this SensorTypeResponse [Optional].
id: The id of this SensorTypeResponse [Optional].
name: The name of this SensorTypeResponse [Optional].
sensor_custom_fields: The sensor_custom_fields of this SensorTypeResponse [Optional].
sensor_state_custom_fields: The sensor_state_custom_fields of this SensorTypeResponse [Optional].]
» SensorTypeResponse SensorTypeResponse NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (

TODO: Update the class' descriptions

SensorTypeResponse - a model defined in OpenAPI

description: The description of this SensorTypeResponse [Optional].
id: The id of this SensorTypeResponse [Optional].
name: The name of this SensorTypeResponse [Optional].
sensor_custom_fields: The sensor_custom_fields of this SensorTypeResponse [Optional].
sensor_state_custom_fields: The sensor_state_custom_fields of this SensorTypeResponse [Optional].
»» description string none
»» id integer none
»» name string none
»» sensor_custom_fields string none
»» sensor_state_custom_fields string none

Get sensor

Code samples

GET /api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid} HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('/api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}', headers = headers)


GET /api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}


Name In Type Required Description
client_cid path integer true Client CID
sensor_mid path integer true Sensor MID

Example responses

404 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully read sensor information
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema

Update sensor

Code samples

PUT /api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid} HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.put('/api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}', headers = headers)


PUT /api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}


Name In Type Required Description
client_cid path integer true Client CID
sensor_mid path integer true Sensor MID
node_id query integer false Node ID
name query string false Name of the sensor
sensor_type_id query integer false Sensor type ID
sensor_eid query string false Sensor external ID
lat query number false Sensor latitude
lon query number false Sensor longitude
annotations query string false Annotations to sensor update, in json format
info query string false Additional information, in json format
comments query string false none
uncertain query boolean false Uncertain sensor
negligible query boolean false Negligible sensor

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully updated sensor
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema

Remove sensor

Code samples

DELETE /api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid} HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.delete('/api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}', headers = headers)


DELETE /api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}


Name In Type Required Description
client_cid path integer true Client CID
sensor_mid path integer true Sensor MID

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully removed sensor
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema

Create new sensor

Code samples

POST /api/sensors?client_cid=0&name=string HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r ='/api/sensors', params={
  'client_cid': '0',  'name': 'string'
}, headers = headers)


POST /api/sensors


Name In Type Required Description
client_cid query integer true Client CID
name query string true Name of the sensor
sensor_type_id query integer false Sensor type ID
sensor_eid query string false Sensor external ID
lat query number false Sensor latitude
lon query number false Sensor longitude
info query string false Additional information, in json format
comments query string false none
uncertain query boolean false Uncertain sensor
negligible query boolean false Negligible sensor

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successful Response
201 Created Successfully created sensor
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
409 Conflict Conflict
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable entity

Response Schema


Update sensor state for signal

Code samples

PUT /api/sensors/states/signals/{signal_state_id} HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.put('/api/sensors/states/signals/{signal_state_id}', headers = headers)


PUT /api/sensors/states/signals/{signal_state_id}

Using this endpoint client can update sensor state for signal


Name In Type Required Description
signal_state_id path integer true Signal state ID
value_for_since query string false Value for state start
value_for_till query string false Value for state end
info query string false Additional information

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Updated state for signal
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema

Delete sensor state for signal

Code samples

DELETE /api/sensors/states/signals/{signal_state_id} HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.delete('/api/sensors/states/signals/{signal_state_id}', headers = headers)


DELETE /api/sensors/states/signals/{signal_state_id}

Using this endpoint client can delete sensor state for signal


Name In Type Required Description
signal_state_id path integer true Signal state ID

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Removed state for signal
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema

Put multiple signals data

Code samples

PUT /api/sensors/signals/data/v2 HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.put('/api/sensors/signals/data/v2', headers = headers)


PUT /api/sensors/signals/data/v2

Using this endpoint client can put multiple signals data

Body parameter



Name In Type Required Description
body body array true none

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully updated signals data
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable entity

Response Schema

Get multiple signals data

Code samples

POST /api/sensors/signals/data/v2 HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r ='/api/sensors/signals/data/v2', headers = headers)


POST /api/sensors/signals/data/v2

Using this endpoint client can get multiple signals data

Body parameter



Name In Type Required Description
body body array true none

Example responses

200 Response

    "client_cid": 0,
    "sensor_mid": 0,
    "signal_type_moid": 0,
    "unit": "string",
    "time_tstorage": 0,
    "time_other": 0


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully read signal data
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable entity

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Response 200 Api Endpoints Sensors Post Signals Data V2 Api Sensors Signals Data V2 Post

Name Type Description
Response 200 Api Endpoints Sensors Post Signals Data V2 Api Sensors Signals Data V2 Post [SignalResponse] none
» SignalResponse SignalResponse none
»» client_cid integer none
»» sensor_mid integer none
»» signal_type_moid integer none
»» unit string none
»» time_tstorage number none
»» time_other number none

Get signals types

Code samples

GET /api/sensors/signals/types HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('/api/sensors/signals/types', headers = headers)


GET /api/sensors/signals/types

Using this endpoint client can get all signal types

Example responses

200 Response

    "signal_type_moid": 0,
    "symbol": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "is_incremental": true,
    "apply_multiplier": true,
    "apply_current_ratio": true,
    "apply_voltage_ratio": true,
    "obis_mapping": "string",
    "chart_expected_unit": "string",
    "keep_prefix": true,
    "draw_chart": true,
    "unit_id": 0,
    "unit_symbol": "string",
    "group_id": 0,
    "group": "string",
    "data_processor_type": null,
    "chart_expected_summary": [],
    "columns": {},
    "payload_mapping": {}


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully read signals types
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Response 200 Api Endpoints Sensors Get Signals Types Api Sensors Signals Types Get

Name Type Description
Response 200 Api Endpoints Sensors Get Signals Types Api Sensors Signals Types Get [SignalTypesResponse] [SignalTypesResponse]
» SignalTypesResponse SignalTypesResponse SignalTypesResponse
»» signal_type_moid integer none
»» symbol string none
»» description string none
»» is_incremental boolean none
»» apply_multiplier boolean none
»» apply_current_ratio boolean none
»» apply_voltage_ratio boolean none
»» obis_mapping string none
»» chart_expected_unit string none
»» keep_prefix boolean none
»» draw_chart boolean none
»» unit_id integer none
»» unit_symbol string none
»» group_id integer none
»» group string none
»» data_processor_type any none
»» chart_expected_summary array none
»»» anonymous any none
»» columns object none
»» payload_mapping object none

Get sensor states for signal

Code samples

GET /api/sensors/states/signals HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('/api/sensors/states/signals', headers = headers)


GET /api/sensors/states/signals

Using this endpoint client can read signals states for signal


Name In Type Required Description
client_cid query integer false Client CID
sensor_mid query integer false Sensor MID
signal_type_moid query integer false Signal type MOID

Example responses

200 Response

    "client_cid": 0,
    "info": "string",
    "meter_eid": "string",
    "meter_type_id": 0,
    "meter_type_is_ami": true,
    "meter_type_is_dcu": true,
    "meter_type_name": "string",
    "sensor_mid": 0,
    "sensor_state_id": 0,
    "signal_states": [],
    "since": 0,
    "till": 0


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully read signals states for signal
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Response 200 Api Endpoints Sensors Get States Signals Api Sensors States Signals Get

Name Type Description
Response 200 Api Endpoints Sensors Get States Signals Api Sensors States Signals Get [SignalStatesResponse] [NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (

TODO: Update the class' descriptions

SignalStatesResponse - a model defined in OpenAPI

client_cid: The client_cid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
info: The info of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_eid: The meter_eid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_id: The meter_type_id of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_is_ami: The meter_type_is_ami of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_is_dcu: The meter_type_is_dcu of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_name: The meter_type_name of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
sensor_mid: The sensor_mid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
sensor_state_id: The sensor_state_id of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
signal_states: The signal_states of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
since: The since of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
till: The till of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].]
» SignalStatesResponse SignalStatesResponse NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (

TODO: Update the class' descriptions

SignalStatesResponse - a model defined in OpenAPI

client_cid: The client_cid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
info: The info of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_eid: The meter_eid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_id: The meter_type_id of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_is_ami: The meter_type_is_ami of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_is_dcu: The meter_type_is_dcu of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_name: The meter_type_name of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
sensor_mid: The sensor_mid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
sensor_state_id: The sensor_state_id of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
signal_states: The signal_states of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
since: The since of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
till: The till of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
»» client_cid integer none
»» info string none
»» meter_eid string none
»» meter_type_id integer none
»» meter_type_is_ami boolean none
»» meter_type_is_dcu boolean none
»» meter_type_name string none
»» sensor_mid integer none
»» sensor_state_id integer none
»» signal_states array none
»»» anonymous any none
»» since integer none
»» till integer none

Create sensor state for signal

Code samples

POST /api/sensors/states/{sensor_state_id}/signals?signal_type_moid=0 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r ='/api/sensors/states/{sensor_state_id}/signals', params={
  'signal_type_moid': '0'
}, headers = headers)


POST /api/sensors/states/{sensor_state_id}/signals

Using this endpoint client can create signal state for given sensor state


Name In Type Required Description
sensor_state_id path integer true State ID
signal_type_moid query integer true Signal type moid
value_for_since query string false Value for state start
value_for_till query string false Value for state end
info query string false Additional information

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successful Response
201 Created Successfully created state for signal
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema

Update sensor state

Code samples

PUT /api/sensors/states/{sensor_state_id} HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.put('/api/sensors/states/{sensor_state_id}', headers = headers)


PUT /api/sensors/states/{sensor_state_id}

Using this endpoint client can update sensor state


Name In Type Required Description
sensor_state_id path integer true State ID
since query integer false Start date (UTC unix timestamp in ms)
till query integer false End date (UTC unix timestamp in ms)
info query string false Additional information
meter_eid query string false Meter external ID
meter_type_id query string false Meter type id

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Updated state
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
409 Conflict Conflict
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable entity

Response Schema

Delete sensor state

Code samples

DELETE /api/sensors/states/{sensor_state_id} HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.delete('/api/sensors/states/{sensor_state_id}', headers = headers)


DELETE /api/sensors/states/{sensor_state_id}

Using this endpoint client can delete sensor state


Name In Type Required Description
sensor_state_id path integer true State ID

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Removed state
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema

Get sensor states

Code samples

GET /api/sensors/states HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('/api/sensors/states', headers = headers)


GET /api/sensors/states

Using this endpoint client can get all states for given sensor


Name In Type Required Description
client_cid query integer false Client CID
sensor_mid query integer false Sensor MID

Example responses

200 Response

    "client_cid": 0,
    "info": "string",
    "meter_eid": "string",
    "meter_type_id": 0,
    "meter_type_is_ami": true,
    "meter_type_is_dcu": true,
    "meter_type_name": "string",
    "sensor_mid": 0,
    "sensor_state_id": 0,
    "signal_states": [],
    "since": 0,
    "till": 0


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully read signals states
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
409 Conflict Conflict
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable entity
500 Internal Server Error Server Error

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Response 200 Api Endpoints Sensors Get States Api Sensors States Get

Name Type Description
Response 200 Api Endpoints Sensors Get States Api Sensors States Get [SignalStatesResponse] [NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (

TODO: Update the class' descriptions

SignalStatesResponse - a model defined in OpenAPI

client_cid: The client_cid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
info: The info of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_eid: The meter_eid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_id: The meter_type_id of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_is_ami: The meter_type_is_ami of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_is_dcu: The meter_type_is_dcu of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_name: The meter_type_name of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
sensor_mid: The sensor_mid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
sensor_state_id: The sensor_state_id of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
signal_states: The signal_states of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
since: The since of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
till: The till of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].]
» SignalStatesResponse SignalStatesResponse NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (

TODO: Update the class' descriptions

SignalStatesResponse - a model defined in OpenAPI

client_cid: The client_cid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
info: The info of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_eid: The meter_eid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_id: The meter_type_id of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_is_ami: The meter_type_is_ami of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_is_dcu: The meter_type_is_dcu of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
meter_type_name: The meter_type_name of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
sensor_mid: The sensor_mid of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
sensor_state_id: The sensor_state_id of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
signal_states: The signal_states of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
since: The since of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
till: The till of this SignalStatesResponse [Optional].
»» client_cid integer none
»» info string none
»» meter_eid string none
»» meter_type_id integer none
»» meter_type_is_ami boolean none
»» meter_type_is_dcu boolean none
»» meter_type_name string none
»» sensor_mid integer none
»» sensor_state_id integer none
»» signal_states array none
»»» anonymous any none
»» since integer none
»» till integer none

Create sensor state

Code samples

POST /api/sensors/states?client_cid=0&sensor_mid=0 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r ='/api/sensors/states', params={
  'client_cid': '0',  'sensor_mid': '0'
}, headers = headers)


POST /api/sensors/states

Using this endpoint client can create sensor state for given sensor


Name In Type Required Description
client_cid query integer true Client CID
sensor_mid query integer true Sensor MID
since query integer false Start date (UTC unix timestamp in ms)
till query integer false End date (UTC unix timestamp in ms)
info query string false Additional information
meter_eid query string false Meter external ID
meter_type_id query integer false Meter type id

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successful Response
201 Created Successfully created state
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
409 Conflict Conflict
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable entity

Response Schema

Get signal data

Code samples

GET /api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}/signals/{signal_type_moid}/data?since=1701945980000&till=1702032380000 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('/api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}/signals/{signal_type_moid}/data', params={
  'since': '1701945980000',  'till': '1702032380000'
}, headers = headers)


GET /api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}/signals/{signal_type_moid}/data

Using this endpoint client can get signal data


Name In Type Required Description
client_cid path integer true Client CID
sensor_mid path integer true Sensor MID
signal_type_moid path integer true Signal type MOID
since query integer true Start date (UTC unix timestamp)
till query integer true End date (UTC unix timestamp)
get_last query boolean false Get only records with newest acq time for the same cap times
delta_t query integer false Aggregate time (in minutes)
raw query boolean false Fetch raw signal
apply_multiplier query boolean false Apply multiplier
output_unit_id query integer false Output unit id
signal_origin_id query integer false Signal origin id

Example responses

200 Response

  "client_cid": 0,
  "sensor_mid": 0,
  "signal_type_moid": 0,
  "unit": "string",
  "time_tstorage": 0,
  "time_other": 0


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully read signal data
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema

Put signal data

Code samples

PUT /api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}/signals/{signal_type_moid}/data/v2 HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.put('/api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}/signals/{signal_type_moid}/data/v2', headers = headers)


PUT /api/sensors/{client_cid}.{sensor_mid}/signals/{signal_type_moid}/data/v2

Using this endpoint client can put signal data

Body parameter



Name In Type Required Description
client_cid path integer true Client CID
sensor_mid path integer true Sensor MID
signal_type_moid path integer true Signal type MOID
unit query string false Signal unit

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully updated signal data
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema


Run graph by name

Code samples

POST /api/tasks/graphs/run/name?graph_name=string HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r ='/api/tasks/graphs/run/name', params={
  'graph_name': 'string'
}, headers = headers)


POST /api/tasks/graphs/run/name

Body parameter



Name In Type Required Description
graph_name query string true Graph name
task_priority query integer false Graph priority (defaults to 5)
task_async query boolean false Should task be asynchronous
since query integer false Start date (UTC unix timestamp)
till query integer false End date (UTC unix timestamp)
body body any true none

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Graph result (only for synchronous graphs)
202 Accepted Accepted for processing (only for asynchronous graphs)
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable entity

Response Schema

Run graph

Code samples

POST /api/tasks/graphs/run HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r ='/api/tasks/graphs/run', headers = headers)


POST /api/tasks/graphs/run

Using this endpoint client run graph

Body parameter



Name In Type Required Description
task_priority query integer false Graph priority (defaults to 5)
task_async query boolean false Should task be asynchronous
since query integer false Start date (UTC unix timestamp in ms)
till query integer false End date (UTC unix timestamp in ms)
body body any true none

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successful Response
201 Created Successfully executed task
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema

Status Code 201

Response 201 Api Endpoints Tasks Post Graphs Run Api Tasks Graphs Run Post

Name Type Description
Response 201 Api Endpoints Tasks Post Graphs Run Api Tasks Graphs Run Post [TaskGraphsRunResponse] [NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (

TODO: Update the class' descriptions

TaskExecutionResponse - a model defined in OpenAPI

data: The data of this TaskExecutionResponse [Optional].]
» TaskGraphsRunResponse TaskGraphsRunResponse NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (

TODO: Update the class' descriptions

TaskExecutionResponse - a model defined in OpenAPI

data: The data of this TaskExecutionResponse [Optional].
»» data any none


Refresh token and get token info

Code samples

GET /api/users/token HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('/api/users/token', headers = headers)


GET /api/users/token

Client reads endpoint to refresh the token.

Example responses


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully token was refreshed
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials

Response Schema

Login and get token

Code samples

POST /api/users/token HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'X-Auth': 'API_KEY'

r ='/api/users/token', headers = headers)


POST /api/users/token

Client logs in to the server with login and password. As a result, they receive a token.

Body parameter



Name In Type Required Description
body body any false none

Example responses

404 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK User logged in
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema


Get weather data by geoposition

Code samples

GET /api/weather/{lat}/{lon}/{signal_type_moid}/data?since=1577836800000&till=1580515200000 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'X-Auth': 'API_KEY'

r = requests.get('/api/weather/{lat}/{lon}/{signal_type_moid}/data', params={
  'since': '1577836800000',  'till': '1580515200000'
}, headers = headers)


GET /api/weather/{lat}/{lon}/{signal_type_moid}/data


Name In Type Required Description
lat path number true Latitude
lon path number true Longitude
signal_type_moid path integer true Signal type MOID
since query number true Start date (UTC unix timestamp)
till query number true End date (UTC unix timestamp)
delta_t query integer false Aggregate time (in minutes)
raw query boolean false Fetch raw signal
output_unit_id query integer false Output unit id
signal_origin_id query integer false Signal origin id
is_chart query boolean false Use expected chart output unit

Example responses

404 Response



Status Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully read weather data
401 Unauthorized Not valid authentication credentials
404 Not Found Failed attempt - no resource
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error

Response Schema



  "description": "string",
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "sensor_custom_fields": "string",
  "sensor_state_custom_fields": "string"



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
description string false none none
id integer false none none
name string false none none
sensor_custom_fields string false none none
sensor_state_custom_fields string false none none


  "client_cid": 0,
  "sensor_mid": 0,
  "signal_type_moid": 0,
  "unit": "string",
  "time_tstorage": 0,
  "time_other": 0



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
client_cid integer false none none
sensor_mid integer false none none
signal_type_moid integer false none none
unit string false none none
time_tstorage number false none none
time_other number false none none


  "client_cid": 0,
  "info": "string",
  "meter_eid": "string",
  "meter_type_id": 0,
  "meter_type_is_ami": true,
  "meter_type_is_dcu": true,
  "meter_type_name": "string",
  "sensor_mid": 0,
  "sensor_state_id": 0,
  "signal_states": [],
  "since": 0,
  "till": 0



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
client_cid integer false none none
info string false none none
meter_eid string false none none
meter_type_id integer false none none
meter_type_is_ami boolean false none none
meter_type_is_dcu boolean false none none
meter_type_name string false none none
sensor_mid integer false none none
sensor_state_id integer false none none
signal_states [SensorsStatesSignalStates] false none none
since integer false none none
till integer false none none


  "signal_type_moid": 0,
  "symbol": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "is_incremental": true,
  "apply_multiplier": true,
  "apply_current_ratio": true,
  "apply_voltage_ratio": true,
  "obis_mapping": "string",
  "chart_expected_unit": "string",
  "keep_prefix": true,
  "draw_chart": true,
  "unit_id": 0,
  "unit_symbol": "string",
  "group_id": 0,
  "group": "string",
  "data_processor_type": null,
  "chart_expected_summary": [],
  "columns": {},
  "payload_mapping": {}



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
signal_type_moid integer true none none
symbol string false none none
description string false none none
is_incremental boolean true none none
apply_multiplier boolean false none none
apply_current_ratio boolean false none none
apply_voltage_ratio boolean false none none
obis_mapping string false none none
chart_expected_unit string false none none
keep_prefix boolean false none none
draw_chart boolean false none none
unit_id integer false none none
unit_symbol string false none none
group_id integer false none none
group string false none none
data_processor_type DataProcessorType false none none
chart_expected_summary [ChartExpectedSummary] false none none
columns object false none none
payload_mapping object false none none


  "data": null



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
data TasksGraphsRunData false none none